Listen to Your Body: A Journey through Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

When I started to experience difficulty with my right leg, at first it was simply confusing. It didn’t present in the way that made me extremely worried at the time. It was becoming a bit weaker than the other leg. But when that continued and became more severe, I began to search for answers. Eventually that search led me to additional challenges, anxiety, and depression.

I was overwhelmed from the frustration; and how do I make myself feel better? Nothing was working. Every professional had a different opinion, some no opinions, and different directions to go in. There were no absolute answers. Eventually I learned, I was looking in all the wrong places. I was going in completely the wrong direction. Most of us don’t recognize our body has answers, we just don’t know how to listen. No one teaches us that.

That personal experience with your own body gives you an edge for the rest of your life. Practice makes possible. The Miracle Ball Method is a lot easier than most programs its just so completely the opposite of how most of think about our body. In my experience, the old paradigm doesn’t work. The body does not work through imitation, regimentation, and isolating one part from the rest. You need to get the benefit your nervous system will provide. Your nervous system will realign you through your ability to sense or “feel”. That is the personal experience with your body which no one else has. It will take the pressure off those tight backs; let you know when you’re holding your breath. It will also give perspective on all the areas you aren’t using. Most of us are more effected by what we don’t move than what we are moving.


The Miracle Ball Method - Elaine Petrone, laying on balls to relieve pain and reduce stress

Join a Class

Be open minded and come to an Open Miracle Ball Method class or one of the Free Webinars. Read the Miracle Ball Method Book or watch the videos. But above all don’t try to get answers. You have the answers. If you are looking for something to work, you will miss what you have. The directions I will give you is like putting fertilizer on your garden, you get different results. Be skeptical, just follow the directions and see what happens. I was a skeptic and still have my days where I’m convinced I finally did it, I’m never going to feel better again. That might be me, being a bit over dramatic. I have to live with that, but the body is a very honest place to work. We can get emotional, frustrated, and distracted, but when you give the body the right directions it gives you feedback. Feedback is the missing like to get benefit from your nervous system so you can move freely throughout your life. You may have to learn a few new skills, but so worth it.

Don’t think your body is simply physical. It is connected to so many emotions in your brain, habits and all your history. It will help you. the Miracle Ball Method got its name from that miracle when you begin to “feel” or “sense” your body. You begin to have options, can go in different directions. Be open minded. You might be surprised how responsive you are.

Join me in our next Open Class on Dec 23rd at 12:00 ET.
