“I cannot believe how well this works on chronic pain! I bought them on a whim and I’m so glad I did because my back pain has diminished almost immediately.”

Barb S.

“WOW… How do U spell RELIEF? We tried everything, chiro, massage, yoga, or you name it… no help. But after using your method we both are feeling much better.”

Robert & Theresa

“After 2 yrs of chronic lumbar/hip pain I used the Miracle Balls for 4 days and was pain free and have weaned off of the meds completely! I can’t say enough about this product.”


Read more testimonials by clicking on a category below

I just want to thank you. I have had autoimmune related issues since I was a child including severe allergies. I was diagnosed with fibromialgia, but when I got radiation in my early 20s for a thyroid related condition I realized I was preclinical for an autoimmune disorder. I have always been medically inclined qnd my education helped me discover this. I have a myriad of disease that had no other explanation.

This last year I got the diagnosis I was waiting for and now I’m clinical for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. I have chronic pain and fatigue. I cannot do impact exercise, and my only movement was very basic yoga, or Tai Chi, and very often I was too sick or in too much pain to perform these.

And then a physical therapist recommended your miracle ball method. I can do this no matter how bad I’m feeling. Sometimes I just do it in bed.

I never leave reviews. I am not even on social media and I don’t like public attention.

But I did leave a review on Amazon after buying your newest book/ball set. I am in fairly good shape and the only thing I do regularly is your exercises.

Thanks so much for sharing your story and your solutions to pain.

– J. Ritz. New Mexico

“I wanted to share with you observations and the wonderful things I’ve noticed since practicing the Miracle Ball Method:

– My vision is blurry when I put my glasses on after I use the Method. I feel -my head is in a different place, but I might need my prescription adjusted! 🤩

– My bras fit differently. I realized that I just needed needed to adjust the straps.

– I was on a walk when I realized that as I swing my arms I was feeling them brush alongside my hips. I realized that my arms are in a different place, more posterior.

– It’s way easier to enjoy dining out as I can enjoy my meal and engage with people more fully because I’m not struggling to “sit up straight.” I’m not fixed like a statue on top of my “sits-bones,” yet, I realized that I’m primarily balanced on top of them. 

– Countertops look lower and I find my pants are sitting lower. I’m adjusting them up to my waist. It seems that decompressing my body lengthens out my torso.

– I’ve learned to start lower on my yoga mat when using the ball because I end up lengthening so much.

– When reversing my car I have more range of motion through my midsection. I’m twisting further and more easily, so my field of vision is wider.

I started the Miracle Ball Method because I had back issues from being a flight attendant for 20+ years. Then, I really stepped-up my practice when a bone scan indicated that I had (mild) thoracic kyphosis and osteopenia.

Before I was concentrating on cardio, yoga and some weights for exercise. I’ve come to realize that by learning to feel my body through the Method, really needs to come first.

The Miracle Ball method makes the biggest difference and makes everything else feel more organic and ultimately more effective. (In addition, it’s immensely helpful to relieve anxiety; everyone in the world needs that now!)”

—Mindy W. (MBM Super-fan!)

“I have had the Miracle balls for years. I use them as lumbar supports mostly. I never really religiously followed the exercises until this week. I have had back issues for many years, after suffering thru a back injury bowling back in 1984. I have done exercises mostly stretching most mornings for the past 30 years or so. That has kept things in check, I am an avid golfer and have rarely missed a day out.

My back has been “bothering” lately while putting socks on, and tying shoes.
So, i searched around watching videos looking for a magic exercise but nothing helped. Well, two weeks ago I suffered a spasm that was so debilitating that i could barely walk. Even moving around in a chair was painful. By noon that day it started to subside and by 3PM i was walking around without the cane.

I still had stiffness and if i moved certain ways, i would feel a twinge.
Well, after a week of slight improvement I decided to read your book. I have it out on the dresser. Its always visible. So this past Tuesday I have been doing exercise 2-3-4 and I was able to play 18 holes of golf today. My back feel better than it has in quite a while . I will stick to doing your exercises daily for ever.

Thanks so very much for a great simple program that works.”

—Ed R. Bellerose, NY

“Just wanted to say “thank you” for this method. I woke this morning pain free for the first time in months after just 2 days working on the balls. What a joy!

I bought my first set of balls many years ago and found relief from chronic pain. (I have also bought several other sets to gift family and friends with back problems.) I then put them away and “forgot” about them only to pull them out when desperate and in agonizing pain later on. I have gone through several cycles like this over the years. Each time finding relief in the MBM I couldn’t from doctors, chiropractors or medications. (I’m determined to keep using the MBM and break the cycle.) So I just wanted to say thank you again for helping me and many others.”

—Mary H. Carmel, CA

“I am a 22-year-old journalism/photography student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. My first time in college, and my first time away from home, I was hit head on while driving on the freeway at 70MPH and I was left with sever muscle and tissue damage. As an athlete and very active person it drove me crazy going from doctor to doctor and not being taken care of. Finally I came across a chiropractor who helped me recover significantly, however my muscles have never been the same. My muscles remain tight, sore and locked, causing much discomfort at times and leaving me with no energy. I recently received your Miracle Ball Method™ Kit as a gift. After reading your story I was inspired, because I feel I could relate to your injury and the feeling of having your world turned upside down. I really look forward to using your method continuously and seeing results to help me. Now it’s just a matter of remembering and making it a habit to set time aside to do it. I have not used your method a lot yet, but I have done exercise 1 and 2 with having my neck on the ball, and I can tell you for a fact that after only 1 use I saw a difference and could feel my muscles getting the treatment they needed all along. I am sure you get e-mails all the time about your product and it is nothing new, but I wanted to share my story and let you know I am really grateful for you sharing yours and taking interest in truly helping people recover.”

“Thank you so much for your creation of pain relief!  I’ve recently told everyone I know.  “Borders” Bookstore cannot keep the balls in stock, and I’ve referred many to the balls & DVD through mail.  My question is:  I’ve used the ball method carefully (DVD) for over a week only, and I continue to have muscle tension in other parts of my body.  I’m sure this is normal, but what to do about it.  I pretty much stick to the lower back with two balls.  I’ve had so much wonderful relief, but tension seems to “settle” in upper/middle back, or muscle twinges on my sides.  Not pain just different sensations different days. I’ve read everything I can get my hands on.  I, along with millions of others am so thankful for the work you have done.  Have a good day!”

“I started using the miracle ball method™ and loved the results – more relaxed muscles and mind!  I’m so glad you came up with this method and I can’t wait to start using them again on a regular basis. Thank you!”

“I bought “The Miracle Ball Method™” at a Barns and Noble bookstore in March. I’ve worked through most of the exercises in the book, and what a difference! Thank you! I am 60 years old, have a curved backbone, come from a long generational line of osteoporosis sufferers, and thought pain was a way of life. When I stay on the ball I experience glorious pain free days. I am so grateful. I just wanted you to know.” 

“I am a Massage Therapist with 11 years of experience. On a recent trip to California I found myself in a Costco and noticed The Miracle Ball Method™ and had to try it. I have used your Method three times now for low back issues, migraine headache, and shoulder pain and the results are WONDERFUL!!!! I had to get a note to you and say thank you!” 

“This is the best “meditation” I have ever experienced…truly so “spiritual” and so “healing”! I found the miracle balls by accident and am so grateful to the Universe for guiding me to them. Thanks in advance.” 

“I love your book and balls! I am 35 years old and my muscles stay in constant tension. I suffer from chronic pain due to severe endometriosis and these balls have been with me in the car on planes in chairs you name it. It’s amazing the breathing you can do with them and how you can help your body realign and let go of the muscle tension. Thanks for creating your book and for helping me.” 

“I am an active and healthy 77 year old woman who happened to see your Method in Costco. I’m so glad I decided to buy it. I had lower back pain and shoulder and knee pain from tennis injuries. First I read your book and then followed directions and now I am PAIN FREE! Thanks again.”

“In my 20 years as a dancer I’ve never felt so well placed and flexible. I didn’t know ballet could feel so right! All my bad habits seem to be fading away, even my turns feel better! This feels so right, all people must know about it!!!” 
– Anna

“O my goodness, I cannot believe this! I’ve have had the balls for a while, they worked but I was never able to really “become one with the ball.” That is, until last night. I was suffering from really bad lower back pain and I sat on the balls for hours while working on homework. After I was done with the work I noticed that I was relaxed and that for the time I was there my body had started to adjust to the ball unconsciously. It was the strangest felling, to be so relaxed but moving at the same time!!! That was last night, today I woke up and my pain was much better, so I tried to apply the knowledge from your book and be as totally relaxed as I was with the balls. Now my body dialogue is so intense! At first I thought it was the power of suggestion, but I think there is something neurological definitely at play. For hours now my hips  (my pain and tension were mainly on the hip flexors, and lower back) have been doing this extreme readjusting. My coworkers must think I’m totally crazy now since my hips have been contorting for so long, but I don’t want to stop, it feels so incredibly good!!! It’s as if years and years of tension and pain are being undone like a complicated knot. Your method is fantastic. I believe everyone who suffers from pain should get a hold of one of your balls. Regards and Thanks.” 

“My body sooooooooo gets this method.”

“I’ve been looking at the Miracle Balls for several months and finally bought them. All I can say is WOW! My body feels completely different in just two days. I’m a Spinning instructor and in addition to overuse injuries, I had torn my hip flexor a few years ago. I bought the miracle balls and I told my class at the gym today that I feel like a new person.  My hips feel like they can swivel!  My hamstrings are not as tight. And I got out of bed with a bounce! Thank you so much for sharing the Miracle Ball with the world.” 

“I’m reading your book explaining how to use your miracle balls and I relate totally to everything I’ve read so far, especially your struggle to find anything to help deal with the chronic pain. I have been dealing with chronic pain for over 25 years due to significant injuries, stress and alignment issues. I just wanted to say hi and thank you for providing an alternative that intuitively makes sense to me and gives me hope that I sometimes lack. I can see the key is to have some dedication and patience and be open to the experience.  I have tried everything else and am at a place where I think I’m ready to let that happen.” 

“I bought the balls kit w/ booklet at Barnes and Noble during Christmas of ’09 as a gift to myself. I have been having some back pain on a regular basis, and thought ‘why not?’ I am absolutely delighted with the results! Ten years ago I lost my fiancée in an accident involving a drunk driver and ourselves. When I awoke in the hospital, I found out that I was going to have learn to walk again, after breaking 27 of my bones, having a collapsed lung, a distended stomach, and having my right leg decimated. I just wanted you to know that I use your balls religiously, give them away as gifts, and am delighted that you came up with such a wonderful product. I make sure to include a daily session or two on the balls before or after my meditation sessions. All my best.”
– Gary

“This method, along with these balls, may be the miracle I’ve been praying for. Time will tell, but I feel an inner passion about them that I have not felt for several years. Elaine’s method truly offers a simple, PROFOUND support for letting go. Thank you again, so much.” 
–Nancy M.

“After 2 yrs of chronic lumbar/hip pain, surgery, PT, Osteo, massage I was at my wits end and on large amounts of narcotic pain meds. My chiropractor finally was able to help with adjustments; then in 4 days of the Miracle Ball method™ I was pain free and have weaned off of the meds completely! I can’t say enough about this product.” 
– D.B.

“I am writing this after my morning yoga class where I can now bend and stretch in ways that I thought I had lost forever. I am 60 years old and started using the Miracle Balls 2 years ago for hip bursitis and arthritis in numerous places. This simple journey of breathing and letting go has moved into spiritual territory. I am now breathing in forgiveness in all it’s shimmering colors and breathing out buried traumas also of assorted dark colors and can feel some sort of ancient armor falling away and streaming out of my muscles. I am reaching and healing wounds that no amount of excellent therapy has reached. The word miracle has taken on new meaning and these little balls have been well-named, but I am also calling them my prayer balls. Getting in touch with my breath has opened a very big door. Thank you Elaine Petrone!!” 

“Helping people find relief from pain in a natural and safe way is very important to me. I came across your product quite on accident shopping at Costco.  I thought it looked interesting so I bought it.  Two days later I woke up with the most intense pain in my neck!  I have never experienced that kind of pain and pinching that I was feeling. I started using the Miracle Ball and the pain started to dissipate with each session on the ball. I then started using it on my lower back as well. I struggle with a bulging disc and understand pain myself. For the past 2 ½ months, I have been having a flare up and nothing was working to get me better. After only 4 days of using the Miracle Ball Method™, I cannot get over how amazing my back and neck feel!  I am talking to everyone about it and I know what I am giving as Christmas presents!” 

“When I first started using the balls I was in a lot of pain and had very bulky compact muscles from years of heavy weight lifting for track and field. I have not lost any weight, but in the past three years since I have been using them, every time people see me they think I have. My posture has become almost perfect. It has taken a few years, but my butt and thighs and torso are all elongated and more “feminine” looking.” 

“I’m 67 now, and I just bought a new pair of running shoe cross-trainers. A horrendous automobile accident 3 years ago rent my back to imperfection, but thanks to your Ball Method, I have largely restored myself.”

“I bought the Miracle Ball set on the spot at Costco. I have various pains that I’ve gone thru physical therapy for with little relief; may have fibromyalgia. I don’t take any pills; looking for natural pain relief. After 1 time on the balls, my lower back pain was gone for a long while. I couldn’t believe it! Thank you so much for taking the time to develop this terrific program! I will keep with the program and expect more good results. Blessings!” 

“Thank you for introducing me to gravity! I always thought it was my enemy until now…..” 

“I have been working with your balls for over a year and just want to say how well they work.  I read and reread the little book over and over again. I always pick up something new. I started out using them to heal my chronic hip bursitis.  My hips have healed.  I am using them now to heal the emotional trauma of my childhood and am releasing both guilt and shame that have been trapped in my muscles for a lifetime. I call them my prayer balls.  With my breath, I am surrendering to my higher power. Freedom from my past is now literally physical as well as mental and spiritual. Thank You!”
–Sarah M.

“These Miracle Balls do everything they claim – and they’re SO easy to use. They truly produce miraculous results. The bottom line: definitely get the Miracle Balls. They will change your body in very good ways.”
–Lora F.

“Suffering with back pain for over 20 years-spending the majority of my pregnancy with severe back pain-and having seen numerous doctors/massage therapists/chiropractors with no lasting results made me wary of this straightforward method. However, after my first moment on the balls I was a convert and totally hooked. Life changing to say the least. Thank you for one of the first pain-free nights sleep I’ve had in years.” 

“My husband gave me your miracle balls for Christmas, and well they are a Miracle! Thank You SOOO Much! Be Blessed!” 

“WOW…How do U spell RELIEF? We tried everything, chiro, massage,yoga, or you name it…no help. But after using your method we both are feeling much better. Thank you so much,”
-Robert & Theresa

“I bought the balls for my husband for Christmas and within the first few uses both my husband and I feel a tremendous difference! I am recommending and buying the balls for family and friends! Thank you for the relief!” 

“I have severe scoliosis and suffer every day and have recently been told I have a falling arch on my foot. I purchased the balls at Cosco and read the book cover to cover. I can’t wait to get started. I admire and applaud you for your courage. I will be purchasing the videos as well. Finally someone understands what chronic pain is like without pills. This is the best Holiday gift I could receive!”

“I cannot believe how well this works on chronic pain! I bought them on a whim and I’m soooooo glad I did because my back pain has diminished almost immediately. You are an angel!”
–Barb S.

“Your Miracle Ball Method™ has helped relieve the chronic shoulder and neck pain that I have had for years. I love it so much!”

“I just wanted to comment on what great help the miracle balls have been for me. I have been using them for about 5 or 6 years. I have given at least 10 sets as gifts. It amazes me how something so simple can be so great. I have 2 sets for myself. I take a set with me when I travel, even on a cruise. Thanks.”
-Mary Ann

“I am a massage therapist and I have been using your ball for over 5 years. It really helped me get through my marathon training and recovery! I have been sharing your ball with every client over the past 5 years as well. Most of my clients (all of my regular clients) now have and use the balls for self therapy between visits. Thank you for this wonderful product!”
–Sara E.

“I bought this product due to extreme TMJ problems, and after 1 day of use, I can feel the difference in the jaw muscles. They are looser, and my pain is greatly decreased. This is answered prayer. Thank you” 
–Lisa O.

“I have had 30 years of fibromyalgia pain. This has given me a strategy and a hope for better control, or even elimination, of a lot of my pain, without drugs. Thank you.”  

“I just want to share that the Miracle Balls really work!!! I have muscular tension due to a L1S5 injury and I get amazing relaxation and days of relief lying on the balls for just 30 minutes. I share my stories with anyone and everyone. I’ve even loaned my balls and gifted them to others.

“I was in terrible pain for the last four years. Unable to work or enjoy any aspect of my life due to chronic pain. I tried everything that I could, including surgeries and injections with no relief. I have 5 herniated disks 3 in my neck two in lower back and both shoulders were torn. After the first time using the miracle balls I felt something change, finally some relief. The next day and the next session I had more relief and increased flexibility. It is a miracle! I feel as if I have a chance of getting my life back. It has been a week and I use it for at least 3 hours a day and have cut out my medication and can move much better. Thank you for such a wonderful method.” 
– Kim

“Hi Elaine, I felt compelled to send you an email to thank you for all the work you did developing “The Miracle Ball Method™.” I am suffering from an IT band problem and I have found your method quite helpful in releasing my hips and dealing with the associated trigger points. I am a firm believer in determining the root of pain and making changes to rectify the situation rather than masking the problem with the temporary relief of medication, so I am grateful that I found a product that has enabled me to help myself. I love your system because the body is able to relax and the muscles feel “safe” enough to lengthen and stretch without the fear of overstretching. Thanks again for developing a great product.” 

“I have a permanent tingle in my left shoulder and chronic pain in my mid-back on the right side. I have scoliosis so I am somewhat used to this. I love using your miracle balls to help me relax my back and hips. I keep them in my headboard and pull them out at night. I have even laid face down on top of them under my hips to relax my mind and fall asleep. Thanks so much for a wonderful product.” 
–Caroline A.

“Dear Elaine, I want to let you know how good the miracle balls are – they have helped me so much with my aches and pains and I have recommended them to friends with similar ailments.” 
–Anne Y.

“I have had low back pain for several months now and was considering going to a chiropractor. I bought the balls and small book at a thrift store and have used them 3 times. I can’t believe the relief I’m getting. I’m sleeping better too. I’m a very cautious person and it takes a lot to convince me, but I’m being convinced that your method works. Thanks for such a great product that’s noninvasive and works.” 

“I am 59 years old and have suffered serious lower back pain since I had 2 separate injuries when I was about 20 years old. I hurt just about every day of my life since then. In the last year my legs and hips started hurting so bad that I thought that I needed hip replacements. I was barely able to walk. A month ago I started using the Miracle Balls. I got relief the first time I used the ball! I use the ball every day and am learning more about using it each time. The Miracle Ball has literally changed my life. Thank you so very much.” 
–Bill B.

“Hi Elaine, I’ve recently discovered your method after years of suffering through muscle pain. I’ve had leg and back pain for over 20 years and have tried everything. Four years ago I had a microdisctomy to clean the disc damage caused by disc herniations. After a couple of months practicing your method, I started to ride my road bike for the first time in years. Thanks.”
-Lisa P.

“Hello Elaine, I recently bought a set of your balls with the book. I am absolutely hooked! They are truly miraculous and wonderful. I am finding them a God send for my own painful and tight areas.” 
–Teal M.

“I recently purchased your Miracle Ball Method™ set and I am absolutely loving it. I have pain due to severe scoliosis and the yoga stretches I was doing were not making much of a difference. After I purchased your Miracle Ball Method™ set and used the balls in conjunction with my yoga stretches, I saw a dramatic improvement in the amount of pain I was in and my back looked and felt a lot better. Thanks for making such a great product. I have already suggested it to family and friends who I know have severe pain.” 

“I am/have been a medical transcriptionist for 28 years. I suffer from chronic back pain, have had surgery on both shoulders and have chronic pain in my hands. I recently purchased “The Miracle Ball Method™” and I must say I think the name is correct “Miracle”… I look forward to using this tool to relieve my pain, stress and ANXIETY … THANK YOU for giving me HOPE!”

“Dear Elaine: I recently came across your Miracle Ball Method™ via my massage therapist. It has been wonderful. For the last few months, I have been suffering with low back pain which has been attributed to arthritis. I also experienced, for the first time in my life, sciatica from a bulging disc this past summer. I intend to pass along and preach this method to everyone! Thank you again for this wonderful method.”

“I can’t thank you enough! I started your Miracle Ball Method™ and quickly got off of medication! Thank you so much Elaine–I am recommending your Miracle Ball Method™ to everyone!!!”
–Diane C.

“I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist, Childbirth Educator, and Wellness Educator who owns my own business. I accidentally stumbled on your Miracle Ball Method™, was intrigued, and bought a kit. Wow! Your method has helped to relieve pain and tension in my upper back and shoulders. It has improved my posture. Even more importantly, I credit it with helping to relieve very annoying bouts of insomnia! THANK YOU! I love the fact that this method is easy and can be used by anyone regardless of physical conditioning. Plus, it’s fun and relaxing.”

“This is marvelous…Just two years ago I could not even walk. The toes on my right foot were numb and pain shot down my right leg. I had injured my back many years ago and had seen Chiropractors off and on. Then when I slipped and fell in the shower in January 2006 I ended with medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, X-rays, MRI’s and a surgeon ready to operate on the two herniated discs and one ruptured disc in my lower back. After trying the balls, I felt so much pressure off my back and even energized. I kept wanting to try more. These things are great! I just feel better. Thank you so much Elaine…thank you for sharing what you have learned. I’m committed to your program…and it’s so easy and so relaxing.”
–Liz B.

“After trying the exercises, I noticed a considerable difference in the amount of sciatic pain which I have had for several years now. I am amazed at the difference in such a short amount of time. God bless!!” 
–Patty T.

“I just wanted to say a huge thanks!!! I’ve had a pinched nerve in my neck for twenty-four years, which eventually caused severe arthritis. Recently I was put on prednisone for an unrelated health matter. A wonderful side effect is that the arthritis disappeared, but I still felt the pinched nerve many times a day, and I was concerned that it would cause the arthritis to return when I go off the prednisone. Last night I thought to try to use the ball to see if it would release the nerve. I went to bed and woke up this morning completely pain-free for the first time in twenty-four years. This morning I’ve tried all the usual “mistakes” of movement that have always brought on that twinge, and I don’t feel it!”

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart. When I read the book, it was as if you took the words out of my own mouth and mind. I have been seeing a pain management doctor for many years and have had injections and take high doses of prescription medications and still couldn’t get the relief I needed. I have disc degeneration at L3/L4 but also 3 years ago started with terrible hip pain that is many times worse than the back pain. I suffer with fibro as well and I also have trouble sleeping and suffer from depression because of all of my pain and not being able to relieve it. In 2 weeks I was able to cut back on my pain medications and I am not totally free of pain but am sure getting better. I plan to see my pain management doctor on Tuesday this week and am taking the Miracle Balls with me!” 
–Becky G.

“I have ankylosing spondylitis and lamellar icthyosis. The first is a rare form of arthritis that can cause the spine and other joints in the torso to fuse. The second is a genetic skin disease that needs constant care so that the skin can flex in order for mobility to be maintained.”

“I bought your Miracle Ball Method™ kit and have had my back pain reduced significantly. Instead of huge areas of my back hurting, now it’s just the vertebrae themselves (due to the arthritis swelling) and the muscles stay flexible. This allows me to maintain range of motion and thus I have lowered my risk a great deal for any bone fusion at all. With my illness, the term “use it or lose it” is very true. You make “using it” a lot more realistic and actually enjoyable whereas previously it has been painful. I have been able to reduce the pain medication I need a great deal and I am soooo grateful. I have to say between your two books that I have and your methods, you have done more for me to not only maintain but improve my mobility and manage my pain without drugs than any doctor or specialist I’ve ever seen in 35 years. Reducing my pain and increasing my mobility has also made my depression much more manageable. I cannot begin to thank you enough for you have improved my quality of life immensely.”
–Chandra R.

“Your Miracle Ball’s are an answer to my prayers. When I get up in the morning and use the balls, my pain is manageable and I feel energetic. Thank you so much for your help and your diligent work.” 
–Linda B.

“I love the miracle balls! For years I have held tension in my shoulders. I have been seeing chiropractors and acupuncturists for relief of pain and have had some success…but as you said in the booklet that comes with the Miracle Balls, my muscles are so used to being “tight” they would return right back to their previous positions limiting my range of motion with my arms, back and neck, as well as my hand numbness returning. Now, I use the miracle balls everyday as part of my exercise routine.”
–Sharon T.

“I was in a car accident two years ago and went thru all the usual anecdotes to stop the sciatic nerve tissue and was unable to feel any type of relief until now. Wow, you sure have hit the issue dead on. After purchasing your product and only using it once, I not only had an amazing night sleep but was able to stand in the kitchen and cook a meal without back pain. All I can say is WOW your product is amazing and thank you.”

“I just wanted to say a big thank you for inventing these little balls. I am hooked. I have had chronic headaches for years from severe whiplash that happened around 18yrs ago. I wake up every morning with such a terrible headache that starts in my neck and radiates all across the back of my head. After using the balls once, I woke up this morning headache free which has not been possible without massage and chiropractic treatments or taking Tylenol on a regular basis which I do not like to do. I also tried them for my one bad hip joint too. The relief in my neck today is equivalent to having gone for a great massage and it feels so unbelievably good just to lay with that ball under my neck, I could spend hours like that. I can actually hear my spine realigning when I use the balls. Thank you so very much.”

“I just have to say purchasing the book and ball kit have been the best (and by far more economical) purchase I have made for my back pain. 5-10 mins on the ball and my shoulder pain is gone!”
–Vera B-C

“I really love Miracle Balls and I tell people about them all the time. I do wish though that your had Virtual Classes with the Miracle Balls spending time on the balls with instruction and breathing. That would really be something!”
–Rachel A.

“Miracle Ball Method… believe it.”
–Frances N.

“I, for one, know that the Miracle Balls work better than that diet!!!!”
–Marguerite N.

“I have been using these balls for 10 years, they are amazing. Just lent a pair to someone else who loves them and has ordered 4 sets for friends.”
–Chris S.

“This ball helps a lot with tight back muscles – these are a must have.”
–Therese S.

“Can’t get through the day without her technique. Love them.”
–Nancy T.

Jackie O’Neal – Certified  Instructor, Levels 1-4

 “Attending Elaine’s training program enabled me to ‘not think’ about whether I was doing the Ball placements correctly or go find something else to do as my body was accessing it’s pain pattern which could be incredibly intense for me at times.

I also had to learn to keep it simple. From the perspective of teaching a class, listening to how Elaine conducted her classes was invaluable. I cannot emphasize this enough. I would attend another complete training just to pick up all the bits I missed that could improve my own teaching ability.

I recently conducted 5 workshops in the UK. With 15 people in each workshop with varying degrees of flexibility, limitation, injury, pain, and illness it was both challenging but also a deeply rewarding experience for me. None of them had any prior experience with the Miracle Ball Method™. I learned so much about myself as well. It was through attending Elaine’s training that I learned a style of teaching that enabled me to handle this varied number of people with relative ease.

What is most profound to me, I think, is the beautiful simplicity of it all, and the ease of doing the method.  Not that it is either simple or easy – it’s hard work, and it’s important work. What I mean rather is that it is unadorned and honest. My main motivation to join the certification was the desire to add another dimension to my work as a Pilates instructor. I also wanted to understand the method better for myself.

I was also surprised by the fundamental changes that I felt in my own body doing the work. It really feels like I have discovered something precious. I am no longer nearly so anxious about my own body issues related to injury, imbalance and overuse. I guess that that would be another area of surprise overall with the method – just how paradoxically subtle and simultaneously profound it is to apply the simple body formula.”

Margaret C. (Maggie) Wolfram – Certified Instructor

“The Elaine Petrone Method is profound and deep. It is as if you are accessing your internal software to reprogram yourself. By breathing, releasing and feeling your body give in to gravity, you get a new sense of how you can move and be in the world. It affects all of your everyday movements – how you walk, carry groceries, drive your car – by bringing awareness, lightness and ease to the way you move and are in the world.

By going through the instructor training with Elaine and doing the work, I gained insight into how I move my body, how I hold my breath, where the tension accumulates, how to let go and release that tension, and really feel my body. The training planted seeds of change in my body that I am seeing come to fruition in the awareness of how I move in my everyday movements – everything from cooking and preparing meals, running, weight work, yoga/Pilates, sitting at my computer and typing – with a heightened sense that the movement is integrated and coming from the whole body. Thank you so much, Elaine, for this ‘miraculous’ method!”

Linda Hedquist – Certified Instructor

“I would like to express my enormous gratitude to Elaine for her honesty and persistence in uncovering and being 100% true to the simple, profound truths which underlies her work.

I came to her instructor training with quite a lot of experience in bodywork, yoga, and breathing and therefore what I thought was a goodly amount of appreciation for the method I had discovered in her books, DVDs and CD’s. But I have to laugh now because after experiencing the amazing immersion of the 6 day intensive I see my understanding at the beginning only scratched the surface.

The training was incredibly transformational for me. My personal practice of The Elaine Petrone Method is so much deeper now. I cannot imagine going a day without it as the exploration it has become is so endlessly delicious, fascinating and empowering.

And teaching is a joy. This program really does work and it is such a delight to help people discover it and watch them benefit.”

Laura Dorr – Certified Instructor

“On Monday I taught a small miracle ball class for about an hour and half and I did the work as well as taught.  On my way home I was side swiped in my vehicle by a huge truck, it even flung the side mirror into my lap.  I got out of the vehicle and the perpetrators took off but I noticed I felt good, at that moment I really noticed I was doing some deep breathing quite naturally, then the police arrived.  After all the hoopla I went home took a shower to get the glass shards out of my hair and off my body, took a dead sea salt bath went to bed and woke up the next morning feeling refreshed no sores for the wear, I have a back problem and have been in 2 other accidents with the last 60 days and cannot believe how good I feel.  I was thankful I did the ball work yesterday because I feel so gooood!”

Diane Dombeck – Certified Instructor

“The EPM is a wonderful practice and because of the benefits that I have received over the past few years in working with the Miracle Balls, I decided to become a teacher and received my certification last June.  I wanted to increase my knowledge and understanding of the work because I knew it had the capability of helping a wide range of individuals.

The intensive training exposed me first hand to methodologies on how to structure a class; how and where to position the balls to encourage the body to let go to the weight and on a more individual level, how to begin developing my own style, or voice, to simply and effectively relay the information.  Many times the most basic concepts are the hardest to get across. Elaine’s thoughtful insights of the work helped me to gain a deeper understanding of my body’s holding patterns which in turn has helped my practice to become more and more rewarding.  Having the support of the certification, has given me the credibility and confidence that I was looking for to begin teaching the Elaine Petrone Miracle Ball Method™.

My students love it!  In one of my classes the students have a very limited range of motion and lots of tightness in the hips, shoulders and low back.  We’ve been working for a few months now on low back, hips and legs and its been pretty remarkable to see the shift in the their bodies. They tell me often that they feel more flexible and able to do more of the simple things that they had been losing touch with.  Even reaching for a cup or a glass from a higher shelf has become easier for them.  I have to laugh because when we move to the ball portion of the class, they let out a communal ahhhhhh…”

Ione Parshall – Certified Instructor

“I opened my own studio in October.  I have a client with osteoporosis who has broken her back twice.  I have used your method on her for two years.  She can now lie on her back, can lower her head to the mat and can place ball under pelvis with knees up.  In the other room she can complete 15 minutes of total body workout and 15 minutes of body swinging therapy. Oh by the way, she is 81 years old.”

Jennie Crewdson – Certified Instructor

“I went to the training for the Miracle Balls with Elaine Petrone in Stamford, CT.  I was traveling from England so it was quite a way for me to go. After booking, I began to wonder if it was going to be worth all the time and expense, as the books that you get with the balls are full of clear instruction on how to use her method. I have to say that it was. Elaine’s way of teaching is very informative, she gives all that is in the book and more, she answered any questions that I had in a full and easy manner to understand. I also found the way she allowed us to take part and see how she teaches her own clients, and how she adapts the class to the needs of the group on that day, and how she observes and makes adjustments to individuals if needed, all very useful. Also giving us a chance to explore our own bodies when the method is used following her precise instructions. I do not hesitate to recommend doing the training with Elaine. I use the method to supplement the body work I already do.”

Kathleen Kennard – Certified Instructor

“When I look back 5 years, to my trips (I took my training in two segments) to Stamford, CT to attend the Elaine Petrone Method Certification Training, I can remember how stiff and uncomfortable I was with my body. I was also in constant pain and living in dread of further deterioration.

I don’t know of anything better I could have done, to ease my pain and start a new career at the same time! I had 35 years of trauma built up in my back from a spinal fusion operation in my early 20s and I had grown used to living with pain.

Well of course the ball method works (!) or I wouldn’t be writing this. What I want to express, is my gratitude to Elaine personally, for the individual and specialized training she gave me in the certification training. Here’s an example: When I arrived in Elaine’s “classroom” at the Tully Health Center, (which was an ongoing pain clinic class for participants who were mostly referred by their doctors) I was so sensitive and uptight (stressed out) about my back injury, that I was certain I wouldn’t be able to do most of the exercises without further injury!…so when Elaine walked over to me (I was on my mat, on the floor, doing one of the whole body moves) and slapped me on the back (maybe it was only a pat-on-the-back?!) to help position me, I freaked out (in my mind). I thought to myself – OMG!…I wonder if she’s read my bio – doesn’t she know I have had a fusion operation – did she just injure me for life – maybe she’s a quack – blah, blah, blah. When I managed to pause my internal ranting, I noticed that I was quite comfortable and relaxed – and no longer holding myself in the strained position that I had been in! Who knew!? Well the whole training was kind of like that for me – an adventure in learning about the body from a new and wonderful paradigm.

There were 6 of us trainees for certification, and I learned much from them as well! Elaine kept telling us to let go of all previous training and habits, and to learn from as innocent a place as possible. To my surprise, I was being told that I actually had the advantage – having had no formal body work training before this!

Elaine continued to surprise me in her tweaking of my application of her work (from what I had picked up in her book). It seems that I had erroneously interpreted some of the techniques and further, I was willing to put the ball in places that might not have been optimal for my specific condition. Bottom line: I learned to follow the lead of my body, not my fearful mind!

I am developing my own philosophy now, referring to the Elaine Petrone Method as the A-B-C’s of body work. It’s basic. It’s simple. It can be applied to any modality (and I think it should be!) I see the Certification training as boot camp…basic training for movement. I say this because it takes the ruthlessness of someone like Elaine to get the subtleties of these very basic, simple ways of breathing and moving into our resistant bodies and minds. Well, I didn’t plan to write so much – I just wanted to get it all out – and mostly: Thank you, Elaine!”

“I have found Elaine’s method to be a valuable adjunct for back care. It empowers patients, helping them gain control of an all too common problem.”
–Steven Horowitz, M.D., Cardiologist, Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT.

“I went to Elaine’s training class and started using her method with my patients. The results have been amazing.”
–Eileen Devine, Physical Therapist, Absolute Fitness, Bedford, NH.

“After taking just one of Elaine’s classes, I was asymptomatic for the first time in 15 years. I now recommend it to all my patients.”
–Fred Jones, D.C., Sunshine Chiropractic & Wellness, Merrick, NY.

“Elaine’s emphasis on breathing and her unique breathing techniques have helped my patients prevent future injuries by maintaining more flexible back muscles.” 
–Dr. Janet Freedman, M.D., Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 

“Both my wife Ella and myself are avid followers of yoga as well as other athletic pursuits and gardening. Still, we find your Ball Method superior to anything used for back pain and other kinds of discomfort. Entirely ingenious!” 
–Erem E. Bobrakov, MD.

“I am a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida. The benefits and results of using your method after just 2 weeks are incredible. I see my chiropractor every 2 weeks and this morning he told me that my hips were more squared up and my legs straighter. I feel that with continued use of the ball I will be able to visit my chiropractor just for occasional tune-ups. Elaine, THANK YOU for your innovation and your dedication to other’s health issues and well-being, you are much appreciated.”
–Carolyn A. Peterson, LMT

“Thank you for all you are doing for those in pain. Personally, they were the only cure for a serious bout of Sciatica. Truly a miracle! Thanks for touching so many lives.”
–Jeanelle Troncone, Comfort Therapist

“I have used your method for my low back issues, migraine headaches, and shoulder pain. After just 3 uses of your method, the results were WONDERFUL!!! I will recommend The Miracle Ball Method™ to many.” 
–Rebecca A. Adams, LMT

“After spending time learning Elaine’s Method I have added her method to the treatment of patients with chronic neck and back pain. I also recommend her classes so my patients can gain control over their symptoms.” 
-Laurie Schacht, Physical Therapist

“It greatly relaxes my tight neck muscles and helps to elongate the spine. I highly recommend it.”
-Christine M. Metz, MD, Internal Medicine, Armory Hospital

“I have seen great results with my patients with Elaine’s method, I love it because I gave the balls to my husband and now he has stopped complaining about his back.”
-Dr. Sally Garhart, MD Bedford Occupational, Occupational and Internal Medicine

“Wow! Your method has helped to relieve pain and tension in my upper back and shoulders. It has improved my posture. Even more importantly, I credit it with helping to relieve very annoying bouts of insomnia! THANK YOU!”
–Marie, LMT

“Elaine’s techniques provide a gentle and effective way of alleviating these aches and pains, both during pregnancy, through the post partum period and beyond.”
–Irene I. Komarynsky, MD, FACOG.

“A safe, simple, and relaxing way of preventing and relieving the common discomforts of pregnancy and the postpartum period.” 
–Joseph Connelly, M.D.

“Elaine Petrone’s method offers a non-invasive, low impact, and financially practically solution to ease the tensions associated with pregnancy and help women find relief.” 
–Lance R. Bruck, M.D.