Miracle Ball Method Basics: Why take this workshop?
Why take this workshop?
Because it’s not exercise, it’s something most people never experience. If you have tried it, continuing to understand how to do it, improves your body year after year. The Miracle Ball Method is the opposite of exercise. It doesn’t replace exercise. It does greatly enhance the benefits of exercise and help you prevent injuries from your favorite sport or activities. I say this because the directions are completely the opposite exercise. The Workshops will clarify the directions so you can get the amazing benefits your body has waiting. What makes it different: your body gives you feedback. It takes you in the right directions. The directions you need to go, to feel better.
Miracle Ball Method works through your nervous system. It’s like the electricity behind the lamp you turn on. This communication between body and brain can be tuned up or it can be somewhat flat. Most people don’t know how to access this ability. Think of playing an instrument. We might know how to play a few notes, but it’s a different sensation to be a musician that can engage with so many different sounds through their instrument. Because The Miracle Ball Method works through your nervous system, you will begin to engage many different muscles in different ways. This gives you many options to move away from the chronic lower back aches, stiff hamstrings, tight neck, and shoulders, sciatic pain and more. Your body will help you stand differently to improve posture, balance, and alignment, and its easy.
What it’s not:
What it’s not is rolling on balls, using the balls as massage tools, massaging our tight muscles or a relaxation technique. You may get these benefits and even more, but the directions are different. The Miracle Ball Method Basics workshop will give you the specific directions to work through your senses, allowing your body to realign and adjust. Your breathing will improve, and you will move more freely while taking the stress off your lower back, lengthen your neck muscles, while relieving excess tension in many areas of the body.
How does the nervous system make it work? </h2?
That’s the miracle. Just as your other senses work in quite miraculous ways, tasting a great meal, or listening to amazing music, your kinesthetic sense is also able to do amazing things. Otherwise, we continue to keep relying on exercise alone to do the work. That’s like going to that lamp and turning it on and nothing happens. You have to plug it in. Re-Connect to your body through The Miracle Ball Method.
Come to the Workshops and get some R and R