What You Don’t Feel Can Be Hurting You
You will benefit greatly from taking classes because your body is an instrument—you have to learn how to play it. Nobody sits down at a piano, picks up a guitar, or grabs a violin and just starts banging away, hoping to make music. Are there prodigies? Of course. Are they rare? Yes. And could they still benefit from learning more? Absolutely. Most of the time, they want to improve.
It’s not about what exercise you do. A person who plays an instrument may choose to play Jazz, Classical or Rock. They love the instrument, or perhaps simply attracted to it at first, and then begin to explore. You may be exploring moving your body and sidelined by an injury, chronic anxiety or stiffness. Albeit exercise is great for your body, the benefits are much deeper and more effective when you know your instrument more deeply.
It’s exciting when you form a connection with your body. I might say a personal experience with your body because no two bodies are exactly alike. Whether you’re great at it or, like me, not so great at it, it’s a way to discover what you don’t feel. That is the benefit of the Miracle Ball Method. It’s the hidden potential we all have.
I might be asking the dumbest question
Every time I start a class; I ask people what they notice about their bodies. Essentially, I’m asking them to feel what they don’t feel. I often get confused looks, and some people, for sure, make things up. They use their imagination, come up with platitudes, or express their emotions.
What I love about the body is that, while we are emotional, creative, and full of imagination, the body is like any instrument. It has a specific functionality inherent to that instrument. Whether you get emotional, decide to get angry at the instrument, or imagine what’s happening, you still need to learn how to play it. Many times, the thinking about the body is simply that. We “think” the body and rarely have that personal sensory experience of our own body. That is essential to activate your nervous system which coordinates so many aspects of your moving.
Do you Love your Body?
Consistency is the Key to lifelong changes.
That’s a loaded question, and perhaps not a fair one. All I can say is that at certain times in my life, I truly couldn’t have imagined saying, “I love my body.” I dealt with so much discomfort, sensations of anxiety, chronic pain, and a loss of mobility in my right side. Honestly, loving my body was the last thing on my mind.
Follow the Feeling
However, after years of learning from my students and gaining experience, I’ve come to appreciate the power of simply meeting my body where it is. I’ve learned to leave my emotions at the door. I’ve learned to leave my misguided intellect behind and just notice how my body feels. It’s quite simple. The instructions are straightforward.
Through this process comes a miraculous discovery that through your ability to sense your body it realigns, adjusts, and breathes. Most of us spend lifetimes trying to control what would happen easily it we allowed our body to function and understood how to get out of its way.
Then it becomes a true partnership. If you do yoga, play sports, dance, or simply enjoy taking a walk, your have more potential to enjoy it without the aches and pains so many of us have come to think of as normal.
Why take a Miracle Ball Method class.
As anyone who has taken a class knows, it is not like an exercise class. The directions are completely different. Many don’t want to feel their body because, perhaps, if they do, they will have to acknowledge something unfamiliar. The truth is, we don’t control every aspect of our bodies. We don’t know what will happen to them. That’s a lot like love—it’s there for a while, you enjoy it, and sometimes you must let go in order for it to come back. Sometimes it just leaves.
It’s not about ego or power over your body. It’s a relationship—like any other. What I love about the body is that I can’t try to manipulate it or make deals to make it feel better. I can’t convince myself that it’s always going to stay the same. When I have a great day, I can’t expect the next day to be identical. Your body lives in the moment, and that’s what makes it one of the most peaceful instruments to sit with. The instructions of this method are simple, which is why I encourage you to take a class.
The Power of the Method at Home
When you do the method at home, you can keep it simple. Your body will begin to give you feedback, just like tuning a guitar. You’ll hear a song you really love, and something inside of you will stir. Sometimes, the feedback may not be what you expected. It’s possible that uncomfortable feelings will arise. But that’s okay—it’s easy to revisit the basics and enjoy the process again. You don’t need to force yourself to play Chopin on your first day at the piano.
But unlike any other instrument, your body is incredibly forgiving. It just wants you to meet it where it’s at. It knows what direction to go in and it will not mislead you.
Join Me for Classes
Join me for online classes! The Winter Weekend Workshops begin on January 25. You can also join the Membership to receive a Live ZOOM class every month and access a library of recordings to work through at your own pace.
Consistency truly is the key. Having taken lessons for years sometimes its just showing up. You don’t have to work hard at this. When you show up something happens over time. You will begin to maintain new ways of moving, gain strength and confidence in this amazing body.